Here you will find Operator's Manuals for Oceanphonics Hydrophones.

Please click on the following links to load your pdf document:

Model OP-1 Oceanphonics Hydrophone for Eco-Tours or Yachts for connection to existing sound system and 12 Volt ship power
Model OP-1-9V Oceanphonics Hydrophone with standalone case and 9 Volt Battery for use with Headphones - Option
Model OP-1-BT Oceanphonics Hydrophone with BLUETOOTH - Option

Divelink Underwater Communications is the distributor for...

Oceanphonics - your premium Hydrophone supplier for Whale Watching Tour Operators, Yachts, Ocean Sound Researchers and more...

The Oceanphonics HYDROPHONE- for Whale Watching Tour Operators, Yachts, Ocean Sound Researchers and more.

Oceanphonics Model OP-1-9V HydrophoneOceanphonics Hydrophone


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